If you are thinking about building a fence, screen or panel for your home or business in Perth, you might want to consider using the Aluminium slats from Wanneroo Patios. Aluminium slat fencing offer durability and a contemporary appearance at an affordable cost. They boost privacy and home security, protect your property from the weather, and look wonderful while being simple to install and maintain.

Aluminium slat fencing is commonly used as external fences or panels around a home or business perimeter, however, it can also be utilized as internal partitioning within the property’s outdoor space. They are made up of parallel aluminium beams or “slats” that can be positioned horizontally, vertically, or in a mix of the two.

Privacy Screens

Nothing beats an aluminium screen on your home’s exterior! It provides stylish seclusion from your home’s surroundings while still letting in sunlight and warmth. Aside from this, aluminium screens are pretty easy to construct and offer your home a fair amount of added security. Wanneroo Patios can provide all your aluminium needs and accessories. We have aluminium posts, slats, beams, brackets, bolts, and everything you need to get your next DIY project ready to start! A (very quick) rundown of how to create your slat screening is:

  • Determine the plan for your privacy screen
  • Gather your tools and materials
  • Calculate the dimensions, most importantly the length required
  • Dig post holes if your screens are full height
  • Insert your posts where necessary
  • Attach privacy screen materials
  • Add finishing touches, such as screw covers, plants, and personal touches!